It was only a few months ago that we had a listen to the first single ("Keep On Keeping On") from UK singer-songwriter Anna Pancaldi's forthcoming Sweet Charity EP. At the time, Anna commented to SoundThread: "This EP has turned out to be the most proud I have been of anything I've ever made. A very special moment for me."
Today, Anna premiers a brand new track from the EP - the beautiful and moving "Brother". She remarks, "This song is my most honest offering thus far and hope it can mean something personal for you all." In contrast to Anna's previous songs that have been mostly guitar-oriented, "Brother" debuts Anna's piano playing abilities. And what a stunning debut this is - a stunning ballad featuring Anna and the piano. After listening to "Brother", I honestly can't imagine the song recorded any better way. The arrangement is beautiful and showcases Anna's emotional, soulful and yearning voice.
Until her forthcoming Sweet Charity EP is available to stream and purchase on March 20, be sure to have a listen to "Brother" on SoundCloud and check out Anna's previous releases, including 2016's Dear Joey, EP.
For additional news and info about Anna Pancaldi, check out her website, follow her on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news, and view all her recent videos on YouTube.